Join the movement to reduce plastic use and switch one plastic product each month to a plastic-free alternative.

Make the switch!

Plastics from here, to there, to everywhere.

Plastic pollution has grown immensely over the past decade. Plastic is literally everywhere: in our oceans, our streams, our backyard, and even in the water we drink. Plastic changed the world of production, being such a convenient lightweight durable substance that could be molded into almost any form. Unfortunately, its incredible convenience has led to 40 percent of plastics produced each year being single use plastics, meaning they are used once, maybe for 5 minutes, and are then thrown away. Most plastics contain additives to make them more flexible, stronger, and durable which also extends the life of the product. Some plastic products have been estimated to take at least 400 years to break down. Each year about 8,000,000 tons of plastic waste enter our oceans and are not going anywhere anytime soon.

Did you know?

We all know plastic pollution is bad, but do we all really know how bad? Did you know that nearly 100 million marine animals die every year from plastic strangulation or suffocation? This is not just affecting marine animals though, it's affecting us. Did you know that the average human consumes anywhere from 39,000 to 72,000 microplastic particles each year? That's right! Plastic is inside of us now too. We consume it from the water we drink, the seafood we eat, and the air we breathe.

Let's make a change!

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. We have to make a change so lets start here! Choose one plastic product that you use everyday such as a toothbrush, water bottle, or a shampoo bottle and switch it out for a plastic-free alternative! This small switch is a huge step to reduce plastic use and will make a difference.

Switch one plastic product now!


Find the perfect shampoo and conditioner bars or grab some all-natural body lotion to keep your skin happy.

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Toothbrushes, bandaids, deodorant, and more! Check out all the amazing plastic-free products out there!

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Home & Cleaning

Switch your plastic dish washing sponge for an all natural brush or find the perfect reuseable water bottle!

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