
My name is Stephanie Jarman. I recently graduated from Appalachain State University with a Bachelors Degree in Graphic Design. I transfered to App State my junior year and I have learned a ton about sustainability since then. Appalachian State prides itself on its sustainability program and efforts on campus. They have worked hard to eliminate single use plastics and have provided an abundant amount of recycling stations throughout campus. Unfortunately, there is not very many local resources in Boone for students to purchase plastic-free products. I started this project in hopes to educate and inspire others to reduce their plastic use and provide a resouce to help them switch their products to plastic-free alternatives.

When I first began to switch my products I noticed making the switch can be an expensive process, especially for college students. Most plastic-free products are great quality, last a long time, and use no plastic at all. These added benefits are worth the money for these wonderful products, but to make the switch a little easier on our wallets, I challenge you to make one switch a month. This way you can look forward to trying an amazing new product every month and keep from spending $100 at once.

So join me and let's help our planet and switch one product this month!

Switch Now! >>

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